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Leonard Hatred 1:14 Fri Nov 6
Celebrity altercations
My granddad beat up Eamonn Andrews on a ferry in the early 70s.

Beat that.

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zebthecat 9:28 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
yogib 8:46 Sun Nov 8
I had a similar experience with Teddy Sherigham in a hotel bar in Doha (I was visiting a friend who worked in Qatar for a couple fo years). Teddy Sherigham and pal tried to push ahead of us in the bar queue and did the "So you know who I am?" thing when we pulled him up on it. I just said "Sadly I do".
They do say never meet your heroes and he appeared to be an utter bellend.

chim chim cha boo 9:24 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
I once had to give David Attenborough a slap at London Zoo for pissing on a Lemur while shouting 'NOW YOU'RE FUCKING ENDANGERED YOU CUNTS' in front of children.

I think he'd been drinking.

Mad Dog 9:18 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
When nigel benn first started DJing he was at a nightclub in Southend and we ended up stood next to him. My mate turned to us and said "look its nigel benn" at which point he turned round and with a snarl went "what the fuck did you just say about me?" My mate went white as a sheet and started to stuttering apologise and Benn laughed and said "only joking mate" and we had a chat with him. Seemed a really nice bloke.

Mad Dog 9:06 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
I thought I was going to get in a scrap with one of the people from the pop group 5ive just before they hit the big time, one of his mates diffused it. To this day I wish I'd lamped him..

I also told a few girls from hollyoaks and the Tointon sisters to get the fuck out of my way. At an airport, I had asked them politely 3 times to move, they weren't listening so I resorted to rudeness. They were unbelievably arrogant.

Side of Ham 8:53 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
Try again....

Yogib = Arg

Side of Ham 8:52 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
yogi = Arg

yogib 8:46 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
I met Gemma Collins in Brentwood about a year ago, she pushed in front of me at Starbucks, when I said something to her she replied don't you know who I am to which I replied yeah someone who's eaten a lot more than me in a shorter time

Jim C 8:31 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
I can't reveal too much, however a long time ago I witnessed someone very famous being a total arse and when they asked "Do you know who I am?" was stunned to hear the response "Yes and I don't give a fuck".

Tomshardware 7:46 Sun Nov 8
Re: Celebrity altercations
We were staying in a hotel in the west country for a friends wedding, got back to the hotel quite late and Bill Oddie was in the bar getting lairy and doing bird impressions. I suggested he go to bed and he told me to sling my hook or words of a similar nature.

defjam 3:55 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
gph 2:10 It wasn't me that nicked it! (Honest guv)
The altercation with Whalberg wasn't even the craziest thing that happened that night.

Razzman 3:22 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
Saw Kevin Webster from corrie outside old trafford and asked him if could fix my brakes

zebthecat 2:12 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
I almost had a car crash with Katie Price when she pulled onto a roundabout near where I live without looking. Both of us slammed on the brakes and she apologised profusely which I didn't expect from the driver of hot pink Range Rover KP1 HOT.

gph 2:10 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
"nicking a bottle of champagne"

How disappointing.

Couldn't yu have grabbed a decent bottle of red instead?

defjam 2:05 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
Me and a couple of mates had an altercation with Mark Whalberg in the foyer of the Hippodrome back in the days when he was just Marky Mark, not the best idea to start on him and his bouncers but we got were getting thrown out anyway for nicking a bottle of champagne.

Side of Ham 1:05 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
A good friend of my dad did some electrical work for that Michael French who was playing David Wicks in Eastenders at the time. He flat refused to pay up for the work he had done and my dads mate went round and ripped it all out, as was the way.

chevy chase 12:44 Sat Nov 7
Re: Celebrity altercations
When my dad was working for the post he’s delivering mail and see’s Phil Collins “alright Phil, what you doing here”. His reply. “Trying to film a fkin music video if you give me a chance” dad squared upto him and Phil’s security got in between.

Also, one of my Uncles worked at Vidal sasoons hairdressing places in stepney sweeping all the hair up but Vidal hadn’t paid him so my dad and another uncle went round and “got” the cash.

There’s a few more but not putting them on here

smartypants 11:09 Fri Nov 6
Re: Celebrity altercations
Boney m told me and my brother to fuck off at Nirobi airport late 70s, I was 6

Cheezey Bell-End 11:04 Fri Nov 6
Re: Celebrity altercations
Not actually an altercation, but Glenys Kinnock was for a while my drama teacher. She was such a mousy, gentle person and let me get away with stuff that would have got me into tons of trouble with other teachers.

Cheezey Bell-End 10:58 Fri Nov 6
Re: Celebrity altercations
I used to work in a post office in South London, which had a sorting office close by. Once a bloke came in saying he needed something which was held in the sorting office and we had to open up and get it. By this time Post Office Counters and Royal Mail were 2 separate entities and we had no access, but this wanker wasn't having it and started screaming and spitting and was completely apoplectic until the manager convinced him to calm down. Turned out he was a Tory MP in the European Parliament who needed the package to take to Brussels. This was in 1988 and I think his name was Knight.

Alfs 10:31 Fri Nov 6
Re: Celebrity altercations
*Grand Hotel, Brighton*

Alfs 10:30 Fri Nov 6
Re: Celebrity altercations
Must have been 12 -15 years ago when I was running an event at The Grand Hotel. In the lobby, I saw this little black guy talking to one of the girls who was helping me and she looked a little uncomfortable.

Being the protective kind I strode over to tell this guy to sling his hook and as I got closer I heard him speak and he had a pronounced lisp - and then he turned and looked at me. It was Chris Eubank.

I decided not to tell him to sling his hook and asked Sally (the girl) to take a jug of water to the conference room, smiled meekly and fucked off to the bar.

I've also been told a quite disgusting story about Eubank in the same hotel but I'm not going to repeat it on here in the fear I'd get sued/killed/both.

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